Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How the current healthcare industry has been turned into sickcare and why nutrition is the medicine of future

As the healthcare costs continue to grow, the debates about the ObamaCare or Affordable Care Act gets more and more intense. Currently, Americans spend over twice as much per capita on healthcare compared to any other developed country. As a result of a wasteful and profiteering health care system, the US spends about $2.7 trillion dollars a year (which is 17% of its gross domestic product) on health care.
Large medical bills that people cannot afford to pay are the main reason behind 60% of personal bankruptcies in US. Amazingly, these are the people who already have insurance, but their coverage isn’t enough to enable them to pay their bill. About 56 million adults—more than 20% of the population between the ages of 19 and 64, will still struggle with health-care-related bills this year.  
While the insurance companiesdrug companies, private hospitals and medical equipment suppliers make huge profits, Americans spend more and get less for their healthcare dollars. In fact, the profit of giant pharmaceuticals has grown more drastically as a result of overcharging American consumers and taxpayers. In the last decade, the 11 largest Pharmaceuticals made $711.4 billion in pure profits. In 2012 alone, the drug companies’ profits reached $83.9 billion, 62% higher than in 2003. http://healthcareforamericanow.org/2013/04/08/pharma-711-billion-profits-price-gouging-seniors/
The insurance premiums go up by at least 10% every year, while wages for the average American family stay the same or increase by a small margin (2 or 3%).  That’s why an average American family with $50,000 income a year find it impossible to pay for high medical bills and deductible insurance plan.

The current healthcare system is going to fail, as long as the focus of the debate is not improving nutrition in our schools and communities:

Unfortunately, the increase in wide range of diseases including cancerheart disease or diabetes have been turned into a multibillion dollar industry that one would think, ... isn’t real prevention bad for business? Prevention is hardly considered as an option and billions of dollars and millions of lives are lost on expensive medical treatments and procedures that won’t work.
In fact, more and more medical doctors and respected scientific community members are admitting that majority of chronic diseases are caused as a result of unhealthy life style choices including diet and exercise.
In fact, conventional medical system is one of the leading causes of deaths in the United States whereby annually,12,000 people die due to unnecessary surgeries, 7,000 people die due to medical errors, 20,000 people die due to other errors, 80,000 people die from infections acquired at the hospitals and 106,000 people die from adverse side effect of medications.

Nutrition is the medicine of future:

In the future medical doctors would not treat their patients with current expensive medical treatments and procedures since most health issues (directly or indirectly) are related to diet and life style choices such as: lack of exercise, environmental toxins or stress.
In fact, if you go through an open heart surgery, the problem with the plaque built-up in your arteries won’t go away if you continue to eat foods high in bad fat and bad cholesterol, (without enough physical activity).
If you survive the detrimental side effects of conventional cancer therapies like chemo and radiation, the cancer cells are still very likely to spread again if you continue to stress about everything in your life, smoke or eat GMO/processed foods or foods high in toxic ingredients/additives, fat and sugar. As a matter of fact, cancer thrives on sugar and oxygen and you could starve cancer cells with an alkaline environment and a diet high in antioxidants. Also, cancer cells exist in 95% of people, but it’s kept under control by the immune system. When the immune system gets weak or damaged (due to poor diet, smoking, environmental hazards, stress or lack of exercise), the cancer cells are likely to overtake the body.
Keep in mind that many patients die due to side effects of conventional cancer therapies and not the tumor itself. According to a new shocking study published in the journal Nature Medicinechemotherapy can backfire making cancer even worse by triggering tumor growth: http://seattleorganicrestaurants.com/vegan-whole-food/artemisinin-sweet-wormwood-chinese-herb-iron-can-kill-cancer-cells.php
However, thousands of people who have turned into alternative cancer therapies (like intervenes vitamin C, vitamin D, nutritional therapies, and herbal remedies including thunder god vineTurkey Tail mushroomcolloidal platinum and silver, sweet wormwood, Cat’s Claw and Blood Root) and are now cancer free. They are a proof that diet and exercise do work and are in fact, more effective than any drug and medication.
When it comes to type II diabetes (which kills one person every 6 seconds in the world), many documentaries and research have shown that consuming 100% raw organic diet can reverse this disease in less than two month. Click here to watch Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG3V22cLUF0
In fact, inflammation and oxidative damage are the root of many chronic diseases and anti-inflammatory foods (organic fruits and vegetables, spices and herbs) and antioxidants could significantly lower the risk of many chronic diseases.

Good food makes sense, but it does not make money:

No wonder why our food is highly contaminated with high level of toxic GMOspesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and toxic ingredients and additives. Eight giant pharmaceutical companies are the same biotech and chemical companies controlling and growing our food supply.
95% are US corn is replaced with Monsanto’s toxic BT corn. Bt toxin subsidized by our tax dollars has been linked to hyperactivity, infertility, cancer and obesity. We are subsidizing cancerobesity and diabetes, while the average American family cannot afford to eat healthy.
The real solution to the current healthcare crisis isn’t another healthcare reform, (that GOP wouldn’t pass anyways), but changing our entire food system and infrastructures. 50% of US farmlands are planted with soy bean and corn, whereas only 3% of US farmlands are used to grow fruits and vegetables. The profit margin of processed foods is about 90%, whereas profit margin for fresh products (fruits and vegetables) is only 10%. Even farmers who plant soy and corn and think of them as a commodity and not food. If tomorrow the whole nation decides to go on a healthy diet, there wouldn’t be enough organic fruits and vegetables to meet the public demand.

We need to shut down factory farms, stop slaughtering, beating and abusing millions of sick and unhappy animals and ban certain toxic pesticides and herbicides like neonicotinoids (sprayed on GMO corn) that are killing millions of bees and birds:

In fact, factory farming and confined animal feeding operations (CAFO’s) are the main reason behind the greenhouse gasses that’s causing the climate change and global warming.  According to commondreams.org, “today, nearly 65 billion animals worldwide, including cows, chickens and pigs, are crammed into CAFOs. These animals are literally imprisoned and tortured in unhealthy, unsanitary and unconscionably cruel conditions. Sickness is the norm for animals who are confined rather than pastured, and who eat GMO corn and soybeans, rather than grass and forage as nature intended. To prevent the inevitable spread of disease from stress, overcrowding and lack of vitamin D, animals are fed a steady diet of antibiotics. Those antibiotics pose a direct threat to the environment when they run off into our lakes, rivers, aquifers and drinking water”.
According to a 2006 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, including 37% of methane emissions and 65% of nitrous oxide emissions. The methane releases from billions of imprisoned animals on factory farms are 70 times more damaging per ton to the earth’s atmosphere than CO2.
Factory farming isn’t just bad for the environment or cruel to animals, but disastrous to our health. Don’t we think there are consequences when we eat unhappy and sick animals that have been mentally and emotionally tortured and abused?
By the mid-century, the population of our planet will reach to nine billion and if humans want to survive and leave a better planet for the future generation, we need to stop this unhealthy, brutal, environmentally disastrous and reckless farming system and replace it with organic food farming and other sustainable alternatives.

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