Amazon Launches New Dash Buttons, Tripling the Amount of Products Offered

Amazon has expanded its Dash Button portfolio to include fish oils, razors and pita chips
From one-click payment to drone delivery, Amazon has cemented its standing as theinnovator of seamless and timely shipping. With the inclusion of Dash Buttons for Prime members, which offer a physical asset with which to restock on household favorites, the A-to-Z supplier is proving that quicker paths to purchase and distribution equate to larger influxes of cold, hard cash. In fact, Amazon Dash Buttons have proved so successful that Amazon Prime has just announced the availability of more than 100 new ones, ‘giving Prime members the easiest way to order thousands of products.’
For those unfamiliar, Amazon Dash Buttons are Wi-Fi-connected, push-button devices which empower users with a physical version of a one-click purchase. And given that each button is only capable of ordering one pre-determined product, say, a roll of paper towels or some Tide pods, it isn’t uncommon for users to own more than one.
With the expansion of the lineup to include roughly 80 more brands, Amazon notes that overall sales have increased by over 75 percent in the last three months, averaging over one purchase per minute via Dash Buttons alone. Whereas previously the offerings were limited to consumer packaged goods (CPG), the overwhelmingly positive statistics generated by the buttons have persuaded the food and beverage industry to hop aboard the bandwagon as well.
“PepsiCo is always looking for new and innovative ways for shoppers to engage with our brands…the Dash Button was one of those unique opportunities,” says David Orr, Global Customer Lead, PepsiCo. “We have been very pleased with shopper feedback and engagement since the launch and look forward to expanded learnings moving forward.”

Available for $4.99 USD, Amazon promises to make your first purchase with the Dash Button free. Whether you’re ordering diapers in a sleep-deprived stupor or restocking on cat litter in a frenzy, you’ll have some peace of mind knowing you don’t have to remember your password.
So what do you need? Slim Jims? Shampoo? Condoms? Having tripled the assortment of products open to one-click, free two-day shipping, order the Dash Button of your choice and Amazon will take care of the rest.
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