Waffle House 3We ordered an “All-Star Breakfast” special, which includes a waffle with pecans, eggs, toast, hash browns, and a protein side, plus a steak melt with more hash browns on the side.Hollis Johnson
Everyone knows Waffle House.
Driving along the interstate in the southern United States, the simple block letters emblazoned on iconic yellow signs tower over the landscape, beckoning to all travelers. However, the shabby and unassuming exteriors do little to instill confidence in the culinary abilities therein.
Waffle House is often known as the late-night haunt of those who are not of sober minds — the last resort of drunken revelers and bleary-eyed workers searching for a bite before the sun rises.
It’s easy to write off Waffle House. However, on a recent trip to Charlottesville, Virginia, we decided to give it a shot — not drunk, not high, just hungry.