The Local And National Issues Shaping Hunger In 2016

Catherine D’Amato
The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) recently announced the five major themes that it believes will shape hunger locally and nationally in 2016. The issues, already becoming priority items for state and federal governments and communities, include fostering community sustainability, understanding the growing epidemic of senior hunger, decreasing wasted food, defining food insecurity and increasing food safety.
Fostering community sustainability
GBFB predicts that more communities will continue working together to access hard-to-reach populations and tackle major social issues. Beyond hunger, communities will need to work together on all levels to alleviate homelessness, the opioid crisis and more. GBFB is taking the initiative local by collaborating with community organizations and developing programs to reach veterans and college students. It also is prioritizing health initiatives, including the launch of more food pantries at community health centers to expand its reach throughout the community.
GBFB predicts that more communities will continue working together to access hard-to-reach populations and tackle major social issues. Beyond hunger, communities will need to work together on all levels to alleviate homelessness, the opioid crisis and more. GBFB is taking the initiative local by collaborating with community organizations and developing programs to reach veterans and college students. It also is prioritizing health initiatives, including the launch of more food pantries at community health centers to expand its reach throughout the community.
The growing senior hunger epidemic
Seniors age 60 and older make up about 20 percent of Boston residents, according to the City of Boston’s Report on Aging Seniors. As the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement, Feeding America foresees the number of seniors requiring food assistance to increase by 50 percent by 2025. Limited income requires selective spending (e.g. choosing between paying for rent, healthcare costs or food). To alleviate this issue, GBFB has programs specifically targeted toward low-income seniors and administers the new federal grant program in Massachusetts—the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. Its Brown Bag program also targets vulnerable seniors, serving about 7,800 per month.
Seniors age 60 and older make up about 20 percent of Boston residents, according to the City of Boston’s Report on Aging Seniors. As the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement, Feeding America foresees the number of seniors requiring food assistance to increase by 50 percent by 2025. Limited income requires selective spending (e.g. choosing between paying for rent, healthcare costs or food). To alleviate this issue, GBFB has programs specifically targeted toward low-income seniors and administers the new federal grant program in Massachusetts—the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. Its Brown Bag program also targets vulnerable seniors, serving about 7,800 per month.
Decreasing wasted food
In the U.S., 40 percent of food goes uneaten and becomes the single largest component of municipal solid waste. As a major focus for 2016, GBFB has established collaborations with Lovin’ Spoonfuls, Food for Free and Daily Table. It also is paying close attention to MassDEP’s Commercial Food Waste Disposal Ban, and communities like Cambridge are taking action on food waste reduction. By creating partnerships and enlisting the community, GBFB hopes to see a reduction in greater Boston food waste in the coming year.
In the U.S., 40 percent of food goes uneaten and becomes the single largest component of municipal solid waste. As a major focus for 2016, GBFB has established collaborations with Lovin’ Spoonfuls, Food for Free and Daily Table. It also is paying close attention to MassDEP’s Commercial Food Waste Disposal Ban, and communities like Cambridge are taking action on food waste reduction. By creating partnerships and enlisting the community, GBFB hopes to see a reduction in greater Boston food waste in the coming year.
Defining food insecurity
Nationwide, one in every seven people are considered “food insecure,” meaning they do not receive an adequate amount or quality of food on a given day. Recently, Congress began looking into what determines food insecurity, the role of nutrition and access to healthy options via programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Farm Bill and food banks. Hospitals are even starting to explore opportunities to screen for food insecurity via medical intake forms, a process in which GBFB is working locally to help solidify.
Nationwide, one in every seven people are considered “food insecure,” meaning they do not receive an adequate amount or quality of food on a given day. Recently, Congress began looking into what determines food insecurity, the role of nutrition and access to healthy options via programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Farm Bill and food banks. Hospitals are even starting to explore opportunities to screen for food insecurity via medical intake forms, a process in which GBFB is working locally to help solidify.
Increasing food safety
Already a hot topic in the news, food safety will remain top of mind throughout 2016. Following recent events at major restaurant chains, everyone—from farmers to supply chain managers to storefront owners—is examining the food the nation eats. GBFB expects this will continue to be a topic of interest throughout the year, focusing on transparency throughout the industry. Locally, GBFB is making improvements to its own supply chain, including a superior rating in a recent annual certification with the American Institute of Baking’s food safety certifications
Already a hot topic in the news, food safety will remain top of mind throughout 2016. Following recent events at major restaurant chains, everyone—from farmers to supply chain managers to storefront owners—is examining the food the nation eats. GBFB expects this will continue to be a topic of interest throughout the year, focusing on transparency throughout the industry. Locally, GBFB is making improvements to its own supply chain, including a superior rating in a recent annual certification with the American Institute of Baking’s food safety certifications
“Local and national hunger-related issues are diverse and complex, but they affect everyone on some level,” said Catherine D’Amato, GBFB president and CEO. “Paying attention to how these issues shape the face of hunger in 2016 will help us achieve our mission to end hunger here by distributing enough food to provide at least one meal a day to those in need.”